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Sarah Hyland Chats With PopEater

What's the best part about working on 'Modern Family'?
I think it has to be the people. Julie [Bowen] and Ty [Burell] and everyone on the show are so funny and they are so nice. It's one big party all the time. It's like a circus.

Do you have a favorite episode?
I think my favorite episode would be the episode where Julie ... is in her underwear because she's really hot.

What can we expect from the rest of the season?
A lot of laughs, a lot of lessons learned.

You filmed in Hawaii, right?
Yeah, we were filming in Hawaii.

That must have been fun.
It was beautiful. It was amazing. I couldn't believe my eyes. I started crying when I went out on my balcony. I was like, "This is so cheesy that I'm crying but I love it, it's so beautiful."

You're 19 now and you've been working since you were young. What has it been like transitioning from a child actor to an adult?
I haven't really noticed a difference because I've just been working. I understand the whole concept ... but I haven't really noticed a difference at all because if you keep working and nothing stops, it's all the same.

Is there anyone you're dying to work with?
Gabourey Sidibe. We really clicked at the Golden Globes. We e-mail each other now. I think it would be so much fun to work with her. She's hysterical. She's an amazing actress.

I see from your Twitter account that you're a Lakers fan. Are you looking forward to the playoffs?
I am really looking forward to it.

Unfortunately, I'm a Cavaliers fan, hopefully we'll see you there.
Oh, we will see you there. And we will conquer.

That's probably true. Besides basketball, what else are you watching on TV?
When football season is on, I love watching football. I'm a Cowboys fan. I love watching 'Community' and 'Southland.' I've been watching 'Lost' since the pilot aired. Although I'm not caught up with 'Lost,' because, until this season, I was watching it every Wednesday, and now it's on Tuesday for some reason. Oh, because we're on, never mind. That just hit me. I was like, "Why is it on Wednesdays? What's on in its time slot? Oh, we are!"

One last question -- your hair is amazing on the show, we're all jealous. How do you get it to look like that?
I call that "Disney hair." They just curl it and then you put your fingers through it ... It looks like everyone on Disney.


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